
Wednesday 17 June 2015

[Wednesday's Devotional] - Truthfulness

Of course we all tell the truth all the time don’t we? Don’t we?? Well actually we don’t. I’m sure there are good reasons for us to be untruthful at times. We don’t wish to hurt someone’s feelings or it seems better to agree with another than to risk falling out with them. Occasionally a small lapse of memory can cause us to say something wrong, but do we correct ourselves when we remember? I hope so.

In the book of Kings, Elijah had acted as the Lord’s servant and so caused the death of the prophets of the false gods like Baal and other man-made idols. Then he ran away, knowing that the king of these people would have him killed in revenge for what he had done. When he was far away he sat down under a tree and prayed that he might die because he couldn’t cope with any more trouble. But God sent an angel to him with food and water to refresh him, and then he got up and went to where God needed him to continue His work. So it is clear that Elijah told the truth at all times, even when it got him into trouble, and he made it clear that what he did was at God’s bidding.

Isn’t it annoying when someone tells you a lie and you don’t find out until you make a fool of yourself because of it and/or it’s too late to do anything about it. Especially when they say, “I only said that for your own good, didn’t think you’d act on it. Sorry.” Too late, I’ve got grief through you. Isn’t it so much better to say, “Sorry, but I have to tell you that – for your own good/because you need to know/unfortunately I know that you are wrong or it’s bad news – ...“ You may not be thanked at the time but you won’t have to ask God for forgiveness, will you?

Lord, grant us the courage, openness, and tact to always tell the truth. Forgive those lapses when we tell ‘little white ones’. Help us to accept as true what we are told and to forgive any unfortunate mistakes made by others. Amen.

Jim Finch

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