
Thursday 30 April 2015

[Thursday's Devotional] - You are the Reason

Do you ever get that feeling that you are never good enough?  The world drags you down, and you feel that your life is not living up to what you expected.  Or you feel that the Christian Life you are living is not quite good enough.


There are many who will criticize you for your faith.  It’s not an easy journey we take.  And we do stray from this path.


My penultimate song is just an American Rock song that I discovered years ago, I actually think the first time I heard it I was driving in America and it came on the radio, I was so blown away by the lyrics that I thought for a second I was listening to a Christian Rock Station and had to double check the settings.  The song is basic mainstream Middle America Rock.  I think it’s a love song, but then aren’t all the best Worship songs?


Listen to it here: YouTube  “The Reason” [4:10 mins]


What I find strange about the song, is that it is a simple song about wanting to start afresh. We get that chance every second of every day with God.


I’m not a perfect person – Who is?

There’s many things I wish I didn’t do – Too many to Count

But I continue Learning – By your Spirit

I never meant to do those things to you – I know my sin separates me from you

And so I have to say before I go – Before it’s too late

That I just want you to know

I’ve found a Reason for me

To Change who I used to be

A Reason to start over new

And the Reason is YOU!!


It’s never too late to change, it’s never too late to say sorry and never believe that it is.

The reason for this is Jesus and how he loves us so.


Steve Fogo

Wednesday 29 April 2015

[Wednesday's Devotional] - Emptiness

After the last two days, where a whole song has reached out to me, here it is just two lines from an American Folk Duo that shows me that God can be part of everything I do.


If I mention Simon & Garfunkel in relationship to songs about feeling God’s presence, most people may jump in and say “Ah yes, Bridge over Troubled Water, what a great metaphor for Jesus, the whole song oozes the Love of God”.  Whether the writers intended for it to be such, I don’t know, but I would agree, listening to “Bridge over Troubled Water” can be truly uplifting and I have used it in the past as a mini worship song, with Jesus in my thoughts and heart.


But, I’m not talking about this song today.


Today I’m using two lines from the song “America”, to show how much God can reach you when there seems nothing but emptiness.


Without God, Jesus, Church and Fellowship, nothing really ever sits quite right.  I know this because in a pursuit for happiness (insert wealth), I had moved my house from the firm foundations to risky ones.  And yes, readers, the house did come crashing down……

But in retrospect I had everything and I had nothing, because I had forgotten about God, I had, by my own admission forgotten about him and neglected him.  He no longer played a part in my life.


YouTube Video “America” [3:41 min]


The song goes nicely along, detailing the adventures of two carefree travellers exploring America.  It seems they have everything they need: cigarettes, pies, money and time.  All is good in their world.  The narrator takes you through the journey of these two young lovers with everything they want.


It is only in the final verse where things are not all what they seem.


“Kathy, I’m lost” I said although I know she was sleeping

I’m empty and aching and I don’t know why


Two lines that blow apart the whole song from being a joyous search for something new, from people who have everything they need, to a cry for help.


“I’m lost, I’m empty and I don’t know why”


Every time I know hear the song, I smile inwardly.  Not because I’m smug, but because I know how close I came to losing so much more then “Stuff”.

I’m no longer empty and aching…..and I know why!!!!


Jesus, help me focus on the things that are important in life. That no amount of Stuff can replace you in my life. Help me keep you at the centre of my life.


Steve Fogo

Tuesday 28 April 2015

[Tuesday's Devotional] - For a friend

Sometimes it takes a friend to show us that God is there.


Today’s song, takes us away from Motown, to1980’s Electronic Pop with a conscience.  In the 1980s Jimmy Somerville and Richard Coles were “The Communards”.  Very successful with cover versions, their own songs were not great chart hits.  But this does not distract from the beauty of one of their songs.


You can listen to it here: YouTube video “For a friend” [4:51 mins]


The song was written by Jimmy and Richard after they received a phone call that their friend (Mark Ashton) had died of complications from Aids.  Richard Coles writes beautifully in his recent Autobiography about this time in his life, and I was reminded how this song also played a small part in my life.


The period between Jan 2002 and Feb 2003 were the worst 13 months of my life.  I had lost my dream job in America and had to come home, my only Grandparent I had known, my grandmother died in March and then in January 2003 when I was at nearly 19 stone and in the grip of a deep depression my first wife left me.  I cannot describe that pain, other than a combination of awful and pitiful.  Without friends I think I would not have climbed out of the circle of depression.


Within 10 months, I had lost 7 stone, bought a flat, met Lucie and taken a round-the-world trip, that I had bought in despair back in May.  Part of my trip was a three day stay in Hawaii. On my last evening, I made my way to a beach on the west side of the Island and sat there with a few beers and listening to my iPod on random.  It would be poetic to say the sun was setting as this song came on, but it didn’t.  I felt prompted somehow to find this song and I played it non-stop as memories of my Grandmother, my friends, the good times with my first wife all came flooding back to me.


I didn’t know it at the time as I was just beginning to dabble with going back to Church, I was still unsure of my faith - but I now feel God was using and prompting me to listen to him through this song, although I certainly didn’t recognise it at the time.  And instead of saying goodbye to friends who had cared for, prayed for, cried with and lifted me, I knew that my friends were a huge part of my life and they were there to help me through anything in the future.


Steve Fogo

Monday 27 April 2015

[Monday's Devotional] - I'll be there

I must admit that I’m not a big Bible reader.  I struggle with the discipline and envy those who do read scripture regularly.  We all live such busy lives and have multiple distractions.  I have always been a huge procrastinator -  many a past University paper was emailed at 23.59 and more seconds that I care to admit to.


However, I relish the amazing-ness of God and how in all aspects of my life he reaches out to me and speaks to me in various ways that are not through his Word.


This week, I’m going to share 5 separate popular music songs that could be used as worship songs instead,  and talk about how sometimes God reaches out and pokes us when we least expect it!


Several years ago I was going through some painful acceptance in my life and I had asked a good friend to pray with me in the Church Centre.


We talked for a few minutes, describing my pain, and he advised we concentrate on an unresolved painful moment in my life and ask Jesus to come into the situation and help me come to terms with it.  Normally I have very positive responses to prayer, whether in Church or with friends in Pastorate or just praying on my own.  However, for some reason, I felt nothing, no sense of the presence of God, no little voice in my conscience guiding me towards his love, not even a quiet realisation that I would sometimes get.


I was feeling quite frustrated with God, and to be truthful, a little annoyed.  Here I was opening up to God, asking for his help and for once I was not receiving help back.  After about 90 minutes we prayed our last prayer of thanks to God for listening and for further guidance in my struggles.


I climbed into my car, started it and this came out of the radio:


YouTube video “Reach out, I’ll be there” [3 mins]


The opening lines just “hit me smack in the face”.  Here I was, doubting God, doubting if he had heard me in my prayers.  And in song, in a mere moment in time, I felt him reassure me that I was not all alone and he had heard me.  I knew then that I could continue praying upon this pain and that God would be there to love and shelter me and always see me through.


The ironic thing is that Jesus promises us this:


 “and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 [NIV]


Looking for God can be difficult; making time for God can sometimes feel impossible.  But God knows this and you should never feel guilty for thinking you are not doing enough.  God will find a way to reach out to you, all you have to do is accept this and let Him do what he does best, show you ways beyond all knowledge of how much he loves you.


Thank you God for showing me that you are with me every moment of my day.  Thank you for reminding me that you care and I pray that I continue to look for you in every instance of the day.


Steve Fogo

Friday 24 April 2015

[Friday's Devotional] - Sweet Service

"How sweet are your words to my taste,
sweeter than honey to my mouth!"
Psalm 119: 103 [ESV]


Psalm 119 is the longest chapter found in Scripture and is known for its teaching on God’s law.  It is not simply about what to do and not do, but about how God’s law leads us into a deeper devotion with him than the things of this world ever could.

This desire does not come from good works or going to church, but from the one and only giver of sweet things,"Open my eyes so I can see what you show me of your miracle-wonders." Psalm 119:18 [The Message]


On the theme of miracles and wonders, my husband and I went to see Robby Dawkins again last Saturday, a gutsy man of God who works mainly with gangs, drug barons and prostitutes.  His violent suburb in Chicago has been transformed by miraculous healings: cripples walk, the blind see and addicts are released from addictions bringing transformed lives as they encounter the power and love of the living God.  Even the police acknowledge all that has happened and work with him to serve the community: https://powerandlove.org/team/robby-dawkins/


I know many will doubt this is real, but for those who have witnessed such healings it leaves no doubt, and I know they happen worldwide.  I do not know why some people are healed and others are not, I wish I did, but I do know that last Saturday the pain that Chris had experienced in his shoulder for the last 36 years was healed.


In Monday’s devotional I made reference to the picture of the honeycomb and worker bee, at each stage of a honey bee's life it has a different job in order to serve the hive.  At times, our life can seem far from sweet and fly by in never-ending buzz-y-ness (pun intended) however, there are times of sweet reward when the honey is ready for harvest and it is time to move on to the next season.


I will leave the final words this week to Albert Schweitzer, a French philosopher, who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953:


"I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve."

Dawn Milward


Thursday 23 April 2015

[Thursday's Devotional] - Riddled with Honey

The most famous and talked about riddle from the bible is Samson's honey and lion riddle. Samson plans to ask a Philistine woman to marry him.  On the way to ask her he is attacked by a lion that he promptly rips apart with the power of God, but keeps this a secret.  After he receives the woman's parents' approval they arrange the marriage.  On his way to the wedding, he sees that bees have begun to live in the lion and make honey.  Samson marries the Philistine woman and at his wedding he tells his groomsman a riddle.  If they can answer it correctly he will give them thirty pieces of fine linen and garments. The riddle was:


"Out of the eater, something to eat;
Out of the strong, something sweet." Judges 14:14 [NIV]


The groomsman can't solve it so they become angry and tell Samson's wife that if she doesn’t discover the answer to the riddle they will burn her house and her father's. She asks Samson for the answer and then tells the groomsmen, who tell Samson: What is sweeter than honey? And what is stronger than a lion?

If right now you are convinced that nothing good can ever come from a difficult situation, Samson’s riddle is a beacon of hope.  Out of the circumstance, situation, or event that tries (or tried) to "eat you alive" God creates a uniquely sweet and refreshing opportunity to renew strength and thus renew hope.

It may take some time but the day will come when one may, in memory if not physically, return to the scene of struggle and conflict and eat the honey from "the beast" that sought to destroy.


Dawn Milward

Wednesday 22 April 2015

[Wednesday's Devotional] - As Sweet as Honey

 "Eat honey, dear child—it’s good for you —
and delicacies that melt in your mouth." 
Proverbs 24:13  [ESV]


The proverb above is the first half of a metaphorical comparison with wisdom. Here is the second half:


Likewise knowledge,
    and wisdom for your soul—
Get that and your future’s secured,
    your hope is on solid rock."         
Proverbs 24:13  [ESV]


Gaining wisdom is energising and delightful, and then it leads to rewarding prosperity.  Honey was a common food in Israel during Solomon’s reign, who was the author of this passage. Eaten in right amounts, it was invigorating and delicious.   


Have you experienced the sweet exhilaration and pleasure of honey? Or much rather, do you know the reviving delight of wisdom? (I have my moments, but they are few and far between!) Once you have tasted honey, other artificial sweeteners are easily detected as a poor substitute. Once you learn God’s wisdom, even the world’s best ideas are bland or bitter to your heart and mind, for they are far inferior by comparison.  Many of us rely on the things of the world to bring satisfaction to our lives, but as C S Lewis, famous for his Narnia books, put it:


"We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased."


Dawn Milward

Tuesday 21 April 2015

[Tuesday's Devotional] - Honey from a Rock

“But I will feed you with the finest of wheat, and with honey from a rock I would satisfy you.” – Psalm 81:16 [NIV]


When I think of a rock I think of a hard object, people often talk about being “between a rock and a hard place.”  Rocks can be dangerous, kids throw them at buildings and shatter glass or cars and create dents.  Rocks can be dividing – walls made of brick and stone keeping others out.  But rocks can also be positive, some people collect rocks, I have fond thoughts of a dear friend, now home with the Rock of Ages, who loved collecting his rocks. Some rocks tell a story of times long past – they are fossils.  Some rocks are used to build things.  We talk of something being “rock solid” when we mean something is good or strong and of course, as the lovely David Essex sang, we can "Rock On!"


God promises to provide for us not just with a mediocre amount, but with the finest wheat He has.  He says He can bring honey from a rock – mirroring the truth of Him bringing water to the parched Israelites from a rock in the desert. We have all tasted honey, it’s sweet and provides healing for the common cold and is included in many throat lozenges.  God is saying that from the difficult times in our lives He is making something sweet.  When we go through trials it may feel like nothing good will ever come out of it.  It may feel like the rock overpowers our lives, but God is using the rocks in our lives to not just produce honey for us, but for many others as well. 


When life seems hopeless and desperate cling to Him and His promises.

“In seasons of distress and grief my soul has often found relief.  And oft escaped the Tempter’s snare, by Thy return sweet hour of prayer.” (Sweet Hour of Prayer, William Walford, 1845)


If you have a couple of minutes to spare you might enjoy this wonderful rockin’ tune from the Five Blind Boys of Alabama  - Honey in the Rock (opens YouTube video).



Dawn Milward

Monday 20 April 2015

[Monday's Devotional] - Honeycomb

If you’re a similar age to me you will remember the Honey Monster from the 1976 cereal advert with his favourite phrase “Tell ‘em about the honey mummy.” This week I’m hoping my devotionals will be sweet, as they are all honey-based. The inspiration came from a picture I saw in my mind’s eye recently, when visiting my old church in Rugby and going up for prayer.  Some non-believers may find it odd that people claim to hear from God, however in my experience, I know he speaks to us all in many ways, if we just learn to tune in.


The picture I had was of a honeycomb, I saw those complex hexagonal cells that make up the comb and a worker bee frantically going about her duties. I say ‘her’ duties, as I have since discovered that all worker bees are female. I will come back to the relevance of this picture at the end of the week.


Then he said to me, "Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it." So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth.
Ezekiel 3:3 [NIV] 


When we fully take in the word of God from scripture we taste the sweetness of His wisdom. As we fully take in the sweetness of His word, He directly speaks to our heart and our life is enriched beyond measure.  How foolish we can be when we are spiritually starving and do not feast upon His words to us (I know I am guilty of that.)  The loving words of God supply us with the energy and power to go about doing His will throughout our life and discovering our destiny.  Many souls ache for the kindly outpouring of His love which comes to us from the nourishment of His scripture and the truth of His words as they are written upon our heart.  If we would just open our heart to Him, we will feel the love, power, and energy of God every time we open His Holy word, it’s still the best-selling book every year!



Dawn Milward

Friday 17 April 2015

[Friday's Devotional] - The Helmet and Sword

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Ephesians 6: 17 [NIV]


It doesn’t seem right to compress these two into one day, but for the sake of fitting them into one week, please forgive me for not giving them the space they deserve. 


First the helmet – it protects the head, the brain, the eyes, nose, ears and mouth.  Perhaps you have seen the image from the Bayeux Tapestry of King Harold at the Battle of Hastings with an arrow in his eye?  The helmet protects some our most vulnerable parts.  Salvation needs to be kept at the forefront of our minds.  Did Jesus doubt his salvation, when he was tempted by Satan?  Should we doubt our Salvation when we are attacked?  Remember the Belt of Truth from Monday.  Our Salvation is fact, truth, unchangeable – if we are “in Christ Jesus”


Second the sword – this is an instrument of defence and attack.  In a sword-fight or fencing bout, the sword is used to parry blows from the enemy and to strike back to inflict damage on them.  The Spirit is our defender and the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God = The Bible) is what we can use to defend or attack when we are tempted.


I particularly find these verses helpful:

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death.

Romans 8:1-2 [NIV]


God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ
1 Thessalonians 5:9 [NIV]


For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12


Lord, keep my mind clear and secure in the knowledge of my salvation.  Help me to learn how to wield the sword of the Spirit which is your word. Amen.


Dave MacLellan

Thursday 16 April 2015

[Thursday's Devotional] - The Shield of Faith

In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
Ephesians 6: 16 [NIV]

This verse, to me, conjures up images of police in riot gear facing rioters throwing flaming bottles of petrol – or perhaps some dark scene from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.  Somehow the “good guys” are always the one facing the fire-throwers, holding up the shields.

How strong is your Shield of Faith? The shield is something we don’t just strap on and forget about – we need to pick it up, hold it up and put it in the way of any arrows.  As long as we hold our shield up (hold our guard), we will be able to deflect the evil attack.  When things are going badly, and it seems like we are under severe attack, there is nothing we can rely on more than our faith.  It is by faith that we can hold on to the truth we talked about on Monday.  We are believing in “things unseen”, but we have the Bible, our Christian friends and the life-experience and teaching (discipleship) we have received – these all help us to deflect the flaming arrows.

If you want to strengthen your shield of faith, Hebrews 11 is a good place to start – it includes some examples of people with faith in the Bible including Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Sarah.  Read Hebrews 11 online if you have time.

Lord, strengthen my faith, let me use the Shield of Faith to ward off the attacks I face this week.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Dave MacLellan 

Wednesday 15 April 2015

[Wednesday's Devotional] - Shoes of the Gospel

…and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
Ephesians 6:15 [NIV]


Shoes are made for walking, and we are called to “walk the talk” of the gospel of peace.  Our shoes are also where the “rubber meets the road” - they enable us to stand firm, and to maintain grip on slippery surfaces.  Sometimes our path in life is like walking on an icy path – we can slip up and fall, injuring ourselves as a result of slipping in the face of temptation.


It is quite easy to have a theoretical faith – to know what the gospel says and have all the answers to questions that people ask.  But we are called to have a practical faith; to act as Jesus did – healing the sick, spending time with the homeless, those in prison, the disadvantaged in our world.


How well-worn are your armoured shoes?  Do you get enough gospel-exercise?  Are you an active advocate of truth, peace and the good news of Christ?


Lord, help me to be active in sharing the good news of Jesus.  Keep my feet steady when the road is slippery and pick me up whenever I slip and fall.  Amen.


Dave MacLellan 

Tuesday 14 April 2015

[Tuesday's Devotional] - The Breastplate of Righteousness

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,… Ephesians 6: 14 [NIV]


The breastplate is the piece of armour that protects our heart, lungs, and many other vital organs essential for life.  Righteousness means keeping “right with God” and “right with other people”.


Are you feeling righteous today?  If I am honest, I am much better at sounding and looking righteous than being righteous.  The problem is sin gets in the way – every day.  The solution is to daily make things right again – to “keep a short account with God”.  Now here again, I am not good at prompt repentance. 


Perhaps you might think of sin like the kind of nasty gunk that from time to time blocks up the drain of the kitchen sink.  Some people regularly flush the sink with cleaning fluids and hot water, and don’t allow nasty sticky stuff to enter it – as a result, they might find that the drain doesn’t often (or ever) get to a fully-blocked crisis point.  However, if one leaves the stuff to accumulate, there might be a need for an application of some intensive sink-unblocking material, and you might find that the job is a lot more messy and difficult!  The same goes for sin and repentance – keeping the drain clear might be less painful and messy than accumulating sin until the crisis point is reached.


Lord, help me to come to you in repentance daily.  Thank you that Jesus paid the price for my sin and that no matter what I have done, there is always a way back to you.  Amen.



Dave MacLellan

Monday 13 April 2015

[Monday's Devotional] - The Belt of Truth

Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.  Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  Ephesians 6: 13-17 [NIV]


This week I want to look at the well-known “armour of God” passage in Ephesians.  This is all about being equipped to stand firm against the powers of darkness which would tempt us, seduce us, deceive us and generally try to throw us off course.  Are you standing firm currently?  For many, including me, there are times we feel that we are under attack and that our armour is weak and we are ill-prepared to resist the “flaming arrows of the evil one”.


Firstly, let’s think about the Belt of Truth.  Truth is the belt, because most of the rest of the armour hangs off it or is fastened by it.


Jesus said:

“I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father, except through me.” John 14:6 [NIV]


Sometimes we are deceived into believing that our happiness can be found in some of the lies (un-truths) that Satan would have us believe:


“Because you have done something evil, God won’t forgive you, so you might as well quit”

“You deserve to reward yourself, keep your time and money for yourself”

“It doesn’t matter what you believe or who you follow – all roads lead to paradise”

“There is nothing absolute about truth, everything is relative – do what feels good”

“I feel so rubbish at the moment, so God couldn’t possibly love me”


We must resist the lies of Satan and see them for what they are – our salvation does not depend on our emotions, our resources, our behaviour or our friends.  We have hope because of the truth that Jesus came to share with the world 2000 years ago.


Thank you Father for sending your Son Jesus to show us the way, the truth and the light.  Help us to be guided and directed by your Holy Spirit – keep us from evil and lies. 
In Jesus name, Amen.


Dave MacLellan