
Monday 22 June 2015

[Monday's Devotional] - Empowerment

This week I want to take a look at empowerment in Jesus’ life through the early chapters of Luke’s Gospel.


How are you empowered to do something?  Maybe a strong calling to do something, encouraging words or pictures, a worthwhile challenge, an inspiring role-model or the love of your friends and family.  Jesus’ empowerment, as we will see, seems to involve the Holy Spirit – that is not to say He is not in those things I have just mentioned; but there is also the supernatural presence of the Holy Spirit.


John the Baptist was aware that the Holy Spirit would come through Jesus:


The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering in their hearts if John might possibly be the Messiah.  John answered them all, “I baptise you with water. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Luke 3:15 [NIV]


Although the peoples’ expectation was slightly misplaced, thinking John was possibly the Messiah, they were rewarded with the wonderful promise that [Jesus] would baptise them with the Holy Spirit.  Although those of us who know Jesus have that deposit of the Spirit, I wonder if we lack the expectation that goes with it.  I know I do.


Here is a poem / prayer by Russ Parker:


Wild spirit of the living God, make a dreamer out of me.

Step into my sleep and call me to new adventures on the tides of your turning grace.

Let my night times be changed and charged with the dawning of new insights.

Let my resting in the dark leading to dancing in the morning of new revelations of the depths and layers of your care.

For the whole of me, sleeping and awake.

Let the ending of the day lead to glimpses of one like the son of man, whose face is like the shining sun in all its brilliance.


Jon Seaton

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