
Monday 15 June 2015

[Monday's Devotional] - Generosity

There are a number of ways in which we can be generous, although we mainly think in terms of money.  But we can also give in terms of time, kindness, and help.  Jesus taught us to be generous in all these ways, and not just to close family or friends.  And that is not always easy is it?  In the New Testament it is suggested that we should pay a tithe, or a tenth of all we have. Today we understand that to be a tenth of our wages (or pensions) and the tax man gets his share before the rest comes to us. If we are earning perhaps £300 a week we may only get £250, then there’s the mortgage or rent to pay, gas, electricity, water, food, clothes, household goods, travel expenses etc. Wow!  We’re left with about £30 and that’s just enough for our tithe.  No nights out with our friends this week then!  Of course, I hope it’s not quite that bad for most of us, but some don’t even do that well.


Jesus tells us about the rich men making a big show of the money they were putting in the church plate, thinking it would make them look good and impress God.  Then he pointed to the widow who put one small coin in the plate, it was all she had and we know it as the widow’s mite.  Now that was generous, wasn’t it?


Perhaps we can make up for it by being more generous with our time for those around us, helping where we can, using our particular skills to make things easier for others.  Not passing by those in trouble, but being more like the Good Samaritan, or at least giving a smile and a comforting word to those who are struggling.  We are simply passing on the generosity of God’s love for each of us.


Jim Finch

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