
Wednesday 3 June 2015

[Wednesday's Devotional] - The joy of the Lord Jesus fill your hearts

These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15.11[NIV]

Are you feeling joyous this morning? Usually I am not when I read these Devotionals as it is just too early for me to want to be up, but I am out of necessity i.e. I need to go to work. But it’s not just me. The problem is that many of us have become worn, burdened and dulled by the cares of adult life. We might remember being joyful and really happy in our childhood and / or our youthful years, but haven’t felt so since we got jobs, took on large mortgages and all the other responsibilities that go with being a grown up. What would we give to just lie on the grass with friends and laugh like we used to?

So at the start of the day remind yourself that the joy of the Lord Jesus can and should fill our hearts. Moreover, as a child of God you have a right to be joyful. Jesus wants you to be joyful. One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is joy (see Galatians 5).

So, realizing that we have a Biblical mandate to have the joy of the Lord Jesus filling our hearts, then the question is: how are we going to get it?  Well, some of it is down to us. Knowing that Jesus wants us to be happy, we need to set our stall out to be happy. Simple things like avoiding too much alcohol (depression) and too much caffeine (anxiety) are certainly a part of the answer. So too is being physically fit and active as it increases serotonin levels in our brain. However, we will be disappointed if we believe that this is the only answer. Our society is currently, quite rightly, encouraging fitness. Go out in Rugby on any evening, at any time of year and you will see large numbers of men and women running the pavements of the main roads. However, popular culture, fuelled by sports journalism (and teachers looking for quick and engaging ideas for assemblies) is starting to tell us that the way to human fulfillment is to be fit and healthy. While it is true that a healthy body will probably be inhabited by a healthier mind, we are buying into a lie if we think that this is the full answer. You don’t need to look beyond the sad cases of the athlete Oscar Pistorious or the broadcaster Jimmy Saville to realize this. Getting inspired by sport alone is certainly not the way to happiness.

No, the times in my life when I have felt the most happiness have been times when I have asked Jesus for more joy. I know from my experience that the closer my walk with Jesus, the happier I am. Also that if I want more happiness I need to be asking Jesus for more of his joy and talking to him about it. By doing so a feeling of happiness begins to grow in me. St Paul commented that he was able to be content in all circumstances (Philippians 4.10). This was not born out of physical fitness, or positive thought. No, Paul was able to feel content in any circumstance because of his relationship with Jesus. So, if you are not feeling the joy of the Lord this morning, talk to him about it.

John Martin-Jones

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