
Tuesday 23 June 2015

[Tuesday's Devotional] - Empowered as we say "Yes"

When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too.  And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove.  And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” Luke 3:22 [NIV].


As Jesus began his ministry, he was baptized by John. It was like his commissioning, his approval from his father that he was acting with his blessing.


When we start something, we don't have such visible signs as the Holy Spirit descending in bodily form like a dove, but we can know that the father loves us deeply, and is well pleased with us.  If we really believe it, this assurance is all we need.


A few years ago, I started an Imagineering club at my son's school.  This is an Engineering club for Junior school children, where we make telescopes, radios, gliders etc from kits, with the aim of learning something and having fun.  Until this point in my life, most things I did were prompted by others, maybe helping with something at church, or a calculation at work.  I didn't have anyone asking me to do this; I was just aware of what a good organisation Imagineering is, how much I would have enjoyed it when I was young, an opportunity to run after-school clubs at my son's school.  However, there were some problems: the club would have to start at 3:30pm, so I would have to leave work early, before core hours finished.  Also one year’s worth of kits for twelve children would have to be purchased, plus a toolkit at a total cost of £1000.  I would also need some help.  Should I just give up any thought of starting this?


I went to my manager at work and he supported my idea, and requested approval for my weekly early departure.  This was granted, and also a request for the £1000 funding.  I mentioned the idea to a colleague at work, whose wife worked at the school, and he happily agreed to help run the club.  I happened to mention it to a new lady at church who I hadn't spoken to before. “Oh, my husband is a retired Engineer, he might be interested in helping you!”, she said, and he was.  After the headmaster had agreed the club was soon up and running.


Looking back, it was amazing how all this came together.  All I really had to do was give this my “Yes, I'll do that.”  Although it wasn't a “Christian” venture, I believe I was using my abilities for a good cause and in response to internal prompting, and God blessed my Yes.


In Baptism we give God our Yes, just as Jesus did at the start of his ministry.  Although that is a one-off decision, to some extent it is ongoing as opportunities can either be faced in His name or not.  What challenges are you facing today?  It may well be something to say “no” to, especially if you feel you “ought” to do it and are acting out of guilt.  But, if you think it is something that God is calling you to, it will be for your good.  Remember that he loves you, is well pleased with you and is cheering you on.


Hear our Yeses, Lord, and bless our service. Thank you that you love us and are “well pleased” with us. Amen


Jon Seaton

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