
Thursday 18 June 2015

[Thursday's Devotional] - Humility

I recently took an Assembly at two local schools, in which the subject was Humility. That is being humble, and not pretending to be someone or something we are not.  Maybe not the best subject for an (amateur) actor!  I was given the story of the Tower of Babel as a lead subject story.


In the book of Genesis the story is told of a population growth such that a group of people decided to move away.  When they settled they began to build homes and found making bricks from clay enabled them to build bigger and better houses.  Then they said, “Let’s build a big tower, one that reaches up to the heavens. So we will make a big name for ourselves, be important, and here we will stay.”  The men had lost their humility.  Then God looked down at what they were doing, and decided that if everyone spoke the same language it was obvious they would think they could do whatever they wanted, and nothing was impossible.  So He made all their languages different, and they stopped building the tower.  Then He scattered them all over the world.  Humility was restored.


Of course God wants us to be happy and is pleased when things happen to make us smile.  He is delighted when our efforts bring us just rewards – passing a test, running a good race, helping another person and making them smile.  But be we are called to be humble in our attitude to others.  The best example of humility was, of course, Jesus. He didn’t go around shouting things like, “I am the greatest, the best man on earth, you have to bow down to me!”  He came to serve the Lord by teaching us all about what God wants for each of us.  What a teacher and at what a cost!

Teaching can be very humbling – go on, ask one.


Jim Finch

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