
Thursday 4 June 2015

[Thursday's Devotional] - And the blessing of God Almighty...

And the blessing of God almighty,

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
Be among us and remain with us always.


When you hear this start you know that coffee is getting seriously close. J The chequered flag of the service is out and you can see the finish line. You might even start working your way out of your pew, or at least start gathering your things and closing your Bible during these words. Well, we’ve all done it. It is, of course, a tragic thing that we should take the invoking and promising of God’s blessing on our lives so lightly and routinely. I know that part of the issue is that they are words we hear often and we become used to them. Familiarity may not always breed contempt, but it can certainly breed blindness and ignorance.

Last summer I had the privilege of looking after a young man with Downs syndrome at New Wine. His father is a Church of England priest and was telling me that often at the end of the service, his son will loudly dust his hands against each other and loudly proclaim “That’s it. The end.” much to the amusement of the other parishioners. Well, all my friend is doing is vocalizing what many of us are thinking at the end of the service. But, next Sunday, don’t rush from your pew. Sit quietly for a few minutes and think about what has just been prayed and promised over you. Perhaps think of something that helps you visualize what is being said so that you can engage with it. I sometimes imagine the blessing washing over me like water at a baptism.

And the blessing of God almighty,

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

Be among you and remain with you always.



Did I just catch you speed reading that bit?

John Martin-Jones

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