
Thursday 25 September 2014

[Thursday's Devotional] - Kinaesthetic: Do

There are some who feel itchy in the classroom if they have to spend too long reading or too long listening. I was not one of those pupils; I love reading and I loved lectures. That doesn’t mean I love learning more than those who want to be out and busy though!


“When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have the whole army give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse…” Joshua 6:5 [NIV]


God gave Joshua a command, it was clear and simple, even if it didn’t seem logical. Joshua did not delay while he read the Scriptures for proof or to ask advice of everyone around him. God was clear and he acted immediately. And the walls did come down and through his decisive action he learnt, along with those who were present and everyone who have heard, the great power of God.


- How do you see God in your day to day life?

- How do you act in a way that shows God?


We need to be active and doing Christians. It should be clear from our actions that we live our lives for someone else, and that someone else is God. We often hear that we should act to show others that we follow God, and that is important. But more importantly, we should act for God because it leads us towards what we are meant to do and along the way we learn and grow in ourselves and in our faith.


 - Think of an area of your life that you need God to speak into and develop into something that looks more like God.

 - Jot down/set a reminder one or two things you can ‘do’ to start.


Anna Naish

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