
Friday 12 September 2014

[Friday's Devotional] - Scum

Due to various problems with the sound system during this years’ Good Friday Walk of Witness, I ended up giving a short talk standing on a litter bin!  I suddenly related to Paul’s words in a new way:


…we have become the scum of the earth, the garbage of the world. 1 Corinthians 4:13 [NIV]


This is the most unflattering and provocative image that Paul uses of Christian ministry in his writings. For Paul the servant of Jesus takes on the lowest place in the world.  If you’re thinking about Christian service then be prepared for rejection, abuse and suffering – as well as the wonder of following Jesus.


Yet why should this surprise us if the one we follow was crucified?  The cross was the place of utter shame. Jesus was stripped naked, verbally abused, in the depths of physical agony, yet was also becoming sin for us.  He became scum, and Paul knows that the world around him frequently regards him in the same way.


So often we can chase status, prestige and the good opinion of others. But someone once said the only status that matters is our proximity to Jesus.


Reflection: How far am I status-conscious? Do I take my value from Christ’s love for me?


Prayer: Lord Jesus, today I say yes to living life with you. Help me to empty myself so that I may be used by you. Amen.


Hannah Mears

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