
Wednesday 2 July 2014

[Wednesday's Devotional] - Cool Runnings

This hilarious feel-good film is amazingly based on the true story of the first Jamaican bobsled team who made history in the Calgary Olympics Winter Games. They warmed the hearts of many worldwide in their first attempt at Olympic glory and were immortalized in this popular Walt Disney movie. Since then the team has been a mainstay in the Winter Olympics.


Contrary to the movie, the Jamaican team were met with open arms by the international Bobsledding teams. One of the other teams even went so far as to lend the Jamaican team their back-up sled so they could qualify and I love this film, it shows how a bunch of misfits can work together, as a team, to finish the race.


In the film, their coach had previously shamed himself by cheating many years earlier and had retired in disgrace, all the members of his current team had their own shortcomings and they appeared to be a most unlikely bunch of also-rans!  However, all that aside, they become heroes.  They did not come first, yet they were winners, they walk over the finish line carrying the broken bobsleigh on their shoulders, heads held high with pride, courage and dignity, I always shed a tear, they finish their race and they finish well!


 “But these things don't count; nor do I hold my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to fully testify to the Good News of the grace of God”  Acts 20:24 [WEB]


Throughout history God has chosen the most unlikely folk for his purposes to carry out his work, in spite of our weakness and imperfections God has a purpose and plan for us all.  John Newton, clergyman and songwriter, most famous for his Amazing Grace lyrics sums it up.  Once a slave trader, an alcoholic and a violent man he declares of his journey: “I am not the man I ought to be, I am not the man I wish to be, and I am not the man I hope to be, but by the grace of God, I am not the man I used to be.”


With those words in mind let us each encourage one another as we press on towards our goal.  It's not that I've already reached the goal or have already completed the course. But I run to win that which Jesus Christ has already won for me” Philippians 3:12  [GW]


Father God, thank you, that with you as our coach, we are all winners!


Dawn Milward


Here is a clip from Cool Runnings


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