
Thursday 3 July 2014

[Thursday's Devotional] - Run Fatboy Run

In this film Dennis Doyle (Simon Pegg) decides to run a marathon to prove to his ex-girlfriend he can change and become dedicated, disciplined and determined. However, he hits an imaginary brick wall in his mind, tiredness and fear kicks in, all his past failings taunt him, he is drained, feeling hopeless he wants to give up … do you know that place? … I do and it reminds me of David’s men at the Brook Besor………..


 “So David and his 600 men set out after the Amalekites.  When they reached Besor Brook, 200 of the men were too exhausted to cross, but the other 400 kept going”.
1 Samuel 30 v 9-10


They had returned from the Philistine war to find utter devastation. The Amalekites had taken everything, even wives and children. The men were angry at David for leaving them unprotected and wanted to stone him, in his distress, David turned to the Lord for strength.

At Besor Brook, only 15 miles from home, they were fatigued and demoralised, David left of his men and their equipment at Besor Brook. The remaining 400 continued on gruellingly and, with the help of God – every woman and child was recovered.  I have pondered that situation and imagined the relatives of the 200 who rested asking “Where’s my husband? Where’s my dad? Why didn’t he come for me?”

The 400 returned and some saw no reason to share the spoils of war with the 200 who had stayed at Brook Besor. “Give them their families and tell them to shove off – we don’t’ need quitters in this company.” (Paraphrase!) David broke up the argument saying “we all share in the victory – after all, God gave it to us.  We’re God’s, not our own. Anyone who has anything to boast about – boast in God.”

Awesome! David unifies the team, honouring the 200 men who stayed behind with the supplies, and his logic so captured their hearts that it became a rule in Israel that all would share in victory.  Some of you may be at Brook Besor right now, or have loved ones there, for many reasons you feel unable to go on and consigned to the sidelines.

David did many mighty deeds in his life and many foolish deeds too! but perhaps the noblest was this rarely discussed deed, he honoured the tired soldiers at Brook Besor. It's okay to rest. Jesus fights when you cannot. Who are the strong to criticise the tired?  Reserve passing judgement, odds are, we will all need to plop down ourselves and when we do, Brook Besor is a good story to know.  

Lord, help us to lift and encourage one another in love and good deeds. Amen.


Dawn Milward


Here is a clip from Run, Fatboy Run

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