
Thursday 10 July 2014

[Thursday's Devotional] - Richard

Could you start by telling us the main roles you've had in your working life? Initially I worked professionally as an 'Urban Planner', and then taught and researched Urban Planning, with a particular emphasis on issues of community disadvantage and how power is used in making decisions that often reinforce poverty and deprivation.  A sense that the Kingdom of God has a direct and challenging impact on unequal societies, where his justice is an important part of the Gospel, has been a central driver for me.  For the last 15 years of my time at Coventry University I researched Church involvement in local communities especially those struggling with poverty.

Did you feel you were able to integrate your faith into your work? Probably the best way to illustrate this is to list some of the other responsibilities that I've had:
·                In the 1980's I become a board member of Coventry Churches Housing Association, because of urban planning and housing policy interests and approaching these things Christianly. This led to becoming Chair of a housing association with 32,000 homes.
·                Some colleagues and I researched the Church Urban Fund in the early 1990's. As a result I became a Trustee of CUF for 12 years and now chair a  'joint venture' with Coventry Diocese on 'Community Transformation'.
·                Over the years I have held positions on national Research Advisory Groups and a couple of government committees looking at issues of poverty and how policy might be formed.
·                Oh, and nearly 20 years ago there was the decision to form Overslade Church. Our main reason for this was the view expressed by two families living on the estate who were clear that most people on the estate would not come near St Matthews Church building. We've seen lots of changes on Overslade over the years, largely for the better, including a fantastic community centre. Some have come to faith in Christ and moved on, but the Kingdom 'come' in many ways.  
It is encouraging to see how God has used your interests and career to influence things. I don't often put the story together as outlined above, but it wasn't my planning! I can only see it by taking stock and looking back over the years.

Are there any other encouragements you would give Christians in their work? Pray about work, especially the substance of what we do. It’s much more than praying for opportunities to witness, although it is that too. Of real importance to me over the last 20 years has been the prayer triplet with David L. and Andy P. Whilst we pray about anything, the initial and continuing focus is on our 'work' and that doesn't exclude the work we do in what is called 'retirement'. 

Thank you Lord that you are a God of justice. We pray that our workplaces would reflect that, both in how individuals are treated and how businesses behave corporately. Help us to play our part, and thank you that you can use us to further your Kingdom. Give us a greater sense of your heart, that we would live and work more effectively for you.

Jon Seaton

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