1 What must I do?

The story of the rich young ruler appears in all three synoptic gospels. This week we will look at this man’s encounter with Jesus and try to see how his story might apply to us.
You can find the story in Matthew 19: 16 – 29, in Mark 10: 17 – 30 and in Luke 18: 18 – 30. The incident took place as Jesus was making his way to Jerusalem for the Passover weekend.
As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Mark 10: 17 [NIV]
All of the accounts tell us that this man was wealthy. Matthew tells us that he was young, and Luke that he was a ruler. So, in worldly terms, this man had it all – money, authority and his whole life in front of him. But he was deeply aware that something was missing.
See how he runs up to Jesus in the middle of the road and falls on his knees before him. He is certainly in earnest if he is willing to make a spectacle of himself like that.
And his desire is good too. He wants to have eternal life. He is not so dazzled by the attractions of this world that he forgets about the reality of the world to come. But he thinks that eternal life is something to be earned, something he could achieve through his own effort. Perhaps, being rich and powerful, he had always got what he wanted – after all, money and authority will open many doors in this life. But that is not the way to eternal life.
Eternal life is a free gift, given to all who believe in Jesus. No amount of money can secure it; but it is freely available to all who trust in Jesus as Saviour. Jesus said,
I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. John 11: 25 [NIV]
Lord Jesus, please help me to believe and put my trust in you.
David Long
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