
Monday, 9 May 2011

[Monday's Devotional] - Living in Peace


If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.
Romans 12:18


I heard this reading recently at my stepson's wedding.  I was struck by the simplicity and practicality of what Paul is saying.  However, it can sadly seem to be so much harder, even for Christians to live it out.


Sometimes we try and live in peace with all, but certain people will not let us live in peace with them.  Clearly there comes a time when you have to leave them to God and shake the dust from your feet.  However, there are other times when people can continue to live in peace despite circumstances that could lead them to choose not to.  I want to share a personal example.  I do not do this to hold myself up as a great shining example, more to show what can be done by people as weak as I am when we try and live out what Paul is saying.


Several years ago I went through a divorce.  Happily and mercifully, I am now married to a wonderful and remarkable woman.  But I have been through a divorce, and my experiences have led me to believe that divorce is not just one of those things, not just something to shrug your shoulders over and say oh well we tried.  No. Divorce is a tragedy and a disaster.  However, you don't change that by hating your ex-wife or ex-husband.  Of course, that just makes it worse.  My ex-wife and I have always tried to remain amicable and to live peacefully with each other despite our differences.


I was very touched recently when my former in-laws, who are a wonderful Christian couple, offered me a bookcase from their house.  They are moving into sheltered accommodation.  It is a piece of furniture that I have always liked and they were glad for me to have it.  They explained that they did not want any money for it, but as I would need to hire a van to fetch it, would I mind taking the furniture that my ex-wife wanted to her house for her too.  That was the deal, and of course I agreed.


Just an everyday example of Christian people trying to live peaceably with each other.  Sometimes your efforts are reciprocated.


John Martin-Jones



Read the Bible in a year:  Psalm 58:1-11, Judges 9:1-57, John 6:1-24



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