
Monday, 9 July 2012

[Monday's Devotional] - Choice

As some of you will be aware I am involved with Rugby Theatre. Sometimes I'm on stage and at other times I may be found painting scenery or helping to build a set on stage ready for the next show. There's always something needs doing.

However, if anyone wishes to be in a show they have to audition for a part. Usually we have had the chance to read the script and choose the character we wish to be considered for.

At the audition we get the opportunity to read the lines our chosen character would speak, with others who are also auditioning reading their character's lines. When we have all had the chance to read any part we want to the director will decide who he or she wants to play each part. Usually there are one or two others with the director who can offer their support and advice, but the director makes the final decision.

Attending an interview for a new job can be very similar. You do your 'homework' about the job and the company, answer the questions put to you and hope for the best. The person conducting the interview will decide who they wish to employ.

In either case the person considered most suitable or qualified usually gets the final vote.

With God it is different. He still chooses those He wants, but they don't always appear to be the most suitable or best qualified. I know, I tried to argue my way out of being involved. I pointed out that I was quite old, a nobody and really not much use. I lost the argument and asked our Lord into my life.

As I've said before, God doesn't choose those that are qualified. He qualifies those that He has chosen.

Jim Finch

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